Alaska 2019 CLSD Project
Increasing Literacy Through Innovation
Reading Across Alaska
Reading Across Alaska
After a rigorous and thorough review process, 16 districts were awarded the CLSD Grant. These districts represent all regions of Alaska, and range in size from the very small (less than 50 students) to the very large (over 1000 students spanning hundreds of miles). We are so excited to be working with them, and see what they will do!
Click here for more information on Alaska's Literacy Blueprint
Your DEED Contacts for CLSD
Your DEED Contacts for CLSD
Hollins Emili - CLSD Program Manager
Hollins Emili - CLSD Program Manager
Education Specialist II
Contact for: general questions/ program managing
Office: (907) 269-6757
Machelle Bennett - Grants Administrator II
Machelle Bennett - Grants Administrator II
Office: (907) 465-8694